The North is the fifth location (Act V) in Titan Quest.
The world the North located in Scandinavia.
- Act IV
- City of Corinth (Portal)
- Corinth Harbor Quarter
- Lechaion Harbor (Boss: Porcus the Ketos)
- Corinth Harbor Quarter
- Road to Kenchreai
- Natural Cave
- Natural Cave
- Scironean Rocks (Boss: Sciron), Majestic Chest
- Kenchreai Outskirts
- Doikos Ship Road
- Port of Kenchreai
- Danube Landing
- Heuneburg (Portal)
- Heuneburg Outskirts
- Swabian Jura
- Natural Cave
- Salt Mines (Boss: Vengeful Ghost), Ethereal Orb
- Lemberg
- Natural Cave
- Hercynian Forest
- Natural Cave
- Natural Cave
- Troll Camps
- Cave of the Troll King (Boss: King Goldtooth), Majestic Chest
- Deep Forest
- Primrose's Passage (aka Temple of the Hidden Sun), super Majestic Chest
- Rhine Valley
- Rhine Cave
- Natural Cave
- Glauberg Outskirts
- Glauberg (Portal)
- Weser Uplands
- Teutoburg Forest
- Natural Cave
- Externsteine
- Wild Heathlands (The Kornwyf ~ Scourge of the Plains)
- Fafnir's Cave (Legendary Boss: Fafnir ~ Transformed Dvergr)
- Sandy Cavern
- Suebi Lakelands
- Nerthus Sanctuary
- Altar of Nerthus (Boss: Ancient of the Sky), Mystical Orb
- Island of Nerthus (Boss: Ancient of the Lake), Mystical Orb
- Glade of Nerthus (Boss: Ancient of the Wild), Mystical Orb
- Inner Sanctum (Boss: Ancient of the Soil), Mystical Orb
- Zealand Coast
- Hollow Cliffs
- Shores of Scandia
- Travel to Kaupangr
- King Gylfi's Settlement (Portal)
- Volva Cave
- King Gylfi's Hall
- Birch Forest
- Snowy Cave (connects Birch Forest and Battleground)
- Barrowlands
- South Barrow
- Southwest Barrow
- North Barrow
- Northeast Barrow
- Barrow of the Restless King (The Restless King)
- Frozen River
- Wolf Den
- Natural Cave
- Natural Cave
- Battleground
- Snowy Cave (to Birch Forest)
- Sithun (Boss: Hildisvini ~ Golden Boar), Golden Orb
- Shrine of Wodan
Dark Lands[]
- Kaupangr
- Kaupangr Outskirts
- Ichthian Fjord
- Ichthian Grotto (Lord of the Fjord)
- Ancestral Lands
- Dvergr Ruins
- Southern Gate
- Halls of the Dvergr (Boss: Austri and Nar ~ Dvergr Overlords), Majestic Chest
- Dvergr Mines
- Master Forge Chamber
- Secret Tunnel (to Seventh Branch of Yggdrasil)
- Ancestral Lands (Portal)
- Old Mine
- Cavern of the Fungoids (Boss: The Great Shroom), Mystical Orb
- Seventh Branch of Yggdrasil
- Asgard ~ Greensward
- Gladsheim (Guardian of Valholl x4)
- Valholl (Bosses: Wodan, Tyr, Freyja, Baldr),one-shot Majestic Chest
- Portal between Valholl and Himinbjorg
- Himinbjorg
- Bifrost
- Walls of Utgard (Boss: Thrym ~ King of Jotunheim), Majestic Chest
- Utgard Prison
- Jotunheimr Wasteland
- Natural Cave
- Hnitbjorg (Boss: Gunnlod ~ Daughter of Suttung), Mystical Orb
- Cave
- Jotunheimr Wasteland (Portal)
- Natural Cave
- Jarnvidr Forest
- Jarnvidr Deep Forest
- Yggdrasil Glade
- Mimer's Maze (Boss: Mimer ~ Keeper of Knowledge), Majestic Chest
- Yggdrasil Root (Boss: Nidhoggr ~ Tormentor of the Dead), Mystical Orb
- Silver Shore (Portal)
- Lower Ashlands
- Upper Ashlands
- Eldr Fields
- Fire Shrine (Boss: Sinmara ~ High Priestess of the Flame), Majestic Chest
- Land's End
- Ground Floor (Boss: Ylva ~ Princess of Scandia, Loki ~ Trickster God), Majestic Chest
- Land's End - Armory (Boss: Nostur ~ The Dark)
- Land's End - Upper Ring
- Land's End - Lady's Quarters
- Eldr Fields - (Bosses: Surtr ~ Lord of Muspelheim/Surtr ~ Fire Incarnate), Mystical Orb
- Ash Devil
- Bear
- Bilwis
- Boar
- Cave Bat
- Crystal Golem
- Dvergr
- Eagle
- Eldjotun
- Enemy Humans
- Eurynomus
- Fungoid
- Guardian of Valholl
- Giant Beetle
- Giant Centipede
- Giant Rat
- Giant Snake
- Jotun
- Jungle Creep
- Karkinos
- Limos
- Mimer Drone
- Phantasm
- Ratman
- Skeleton
- The Restless King
- Tritones
- Troll
- Ulvjotun
- Valkyrie
- Water Spirit
- Wolf
- Wolverine
- Wood Colossus
- Zombie
- Troubles of a New Age (City of Corinth)
- Festivities (City of Corinth)
- Sciron (City of Corinth)
- A Northern Contact (City of Corinth) (Lesser Artifact)
- The Warrior Princess (City of Corinth)
- The Power of Nerthus (Glauberg)
- Wine from the Rhine (Rhine Valley)
- The Troubled Son (Glauberg)
- Celtic Plaid (Glauberg)
- Little Friends (Weser Uplands)
- The Trapped Nixie (Wild Heathlands) (1 Skill Point)
- The Kornwyf's Scythe (Wild Heathlands)
- Scandia under Siege (King Gylfi's Hall)
- Giesel (Birch Forest)
- Fir Cone Liquor (Shores of Scandia)
- The Restless King (King Gylfi's Settlement)
- The Magic Cauldron (King Gylfi's Settlement)
- The Survivor (Birch Forest)
- The Rescue (King Gylfi's Hall)
- Dvergar History (Kaupangr) (2 Skill Points)
- Squabbling Merchants (Kaupangr)
- The Craftsman's Passion (Icthian Fjord)
- Legendary Craftsmanship (Master Forge Chamber) (affix added to epic/legendary equipment)
- The Wisest Being (Valhöll)
- The Burning Sword (Mimer's Maze)
Acts |
Greece (Act I) • Egypt (Act II) • Orient (Act III) • Hades (Act IV) • The North (Act V) • Atlantis • The East |