Titan Quest Wiki
Titan Quest Wiki

The Theurgist combines offence and defence with insidious life stealing skills that leech enemies' vitality while bolstering their own. At higher levels the ability to summon a powerful Liche King dramatically increases damage-dealing ability.

Skill Tree[]

Below follow all the skills in the Spirit Mastery (click on any skill to learn more):

Points Skills
40 SkillBarTop SoulDrain SoulVortex
32 DeathWard SummonOutsider SkillBarMiddle SkillBarTop ArcaneBlast
24 SkillBarMiddle SkillBarTop UnearthlyPower SkillBarConnector WraithShell CircleOfPower
16 SkillBarTop ArcaneLore SkillBarTop Necrosis SkillBarMiddle EnslaveSpirit SkillBarMiddle SkillBarConnector DeathNova
10 SkillBarMiddle SkillBarMiddle SkillBarConnector Cascade SkillBarBottom DarkCovenant SkillBarBottom SummonLicheKing SkillBarTop SpiritBane
4 SkillBarBottom TernionAttack SkillBarConnector RavagesOfTime SkillBarMiddle VisionOfDeath SkillBarBottom SpiritWard
1 SkillBarBottom DeathchillAura SkillBarBottom LifeDrain

Skill Unlocks[]

Mastery Progression[]


Provides the arcane knowledge and mental discipline to study the dark art of controlling spirits”.

Mastery Level Dexterity Bonus Intelligence Bonus Health Bonus Energy Bonus
40 60 120 800 320
39 58 117 780 312
38 57 114 760 304
37 55 111 740 296
36 54 108 720 288
35 52 105 700 280
34 51 102 680 272
33 49 99 660 264
32 48 96 640 256
31 46 93 620 248
30 45 90 600 240
29 43 87 580 232
28 42 84 560 224
27 40 81 540 216
26 39 78 520 208
25 37 75 500 200
24 36 72 480 192
23 34 69 460 184
22 33 66 440 176
21 31 63 420 168
20 30 60 400 160
19 28 57 380 152
18 27 54 360 144
17 25 51 340 136
16 24 48 320 128
15 22 45 300 120
14 21 42 280 112
13 19 39 260 104
12 18 36 240 96
11 16 33 220 88
10 15 30 200 80
9 13 27 180 72
8 12 24 160 64
7 10 21 140 56
6 9 18 120 48
5 7 15 100 40
4 6 12 80 32
3 4 9 60 24
2 3 6 40 16
1 1 3 20 8


Related Items[]

These items add points to all skills in the mastery:
