Titan Quest Wiki

Mastery > Character Classes > Sorcerer

A Sorcerer is a combination of the Rogue and Storm masteries.



Rogue Mastery Skills

Points Skills
40 BladeBarrier SkillBarTop PoisonMayhem
32 SkillBarTop MortalWound SkillBarTop FlurryOfKnives SkillBarTop ImprovedFiringMechanism SkillBarMiddle
24 SkillBarMiddle Anatomy SkillBarMiddle SkillBarMiddle SkillBarTop Mandrake SkillBarConnector Shrapnel
16 SkillBarBottom LethalStrike SkillBarMiddle SkillBarConnector RapidConstruction SkillBarConnector ToxinDistillation SkillBarMiddle
10 SkillBarTop LuckyHit OpenWound SkillBarMiddle SkillBarBottom LayTrap SkillBarMiddle SkillBarBottom PoisonGasBomb
4 SkillBarMiddle SkillBarBottom ThrowingKnife DisarmTraps SkillBarConnector Nightshade FlashPowder
1 SkillBarBottom CalculatedStrike BladeHoning SkillBarBottom EnvenomWeapon

Storm Mastery Skills

Points Skills
40 SkillBarTop ArcDischarge LightningDash
32 SkillBarTop ChainLightning SkillBarConnector EyeOfTheStorm SkillBarTop Reflection
24 SkillBarMiddle SkillBarTop Torrent SkillBarBottom SummonWisp StormSurge SkillBarMiddle
16 SkillBarBottom LightningBolt SkillBarMiddle SkillBarTop ConcussiveBlast SkillBarTop ObscuredVisibility SkillBarTop StaticCharge SkillBarBottom EnergyShield
10 SkillBarTop SpellShock SkillBarConnector Velocity SkillBarMiddle SkillBarBottom Squall SkillBarMiddle FreezingBlast
4 SkillBarBottom SpellBreaker SkillBarMiddle SkillBarBottom Thunderball SkillBarConnector HeartOfFrost
1 SkillBarBottom IceShard SkillBarBottom StormNimbus