Titan Quest Wiki

Monsters > Undead > Skeleton


Skeleton Mage

Skeleton is the reanimated bones of a human. They are usually found in and around ruins and tombs, sometimes in caves and rarely on coasts. Skeletons are the most common type of monsters in the game (if counted by individual types and not categories).

Like all Undead, Skeletons are immune to Bleeding and Vitality damage, have high Resistance to Pierce damage and high Absorption rate of Poison damage.


  • Awakened Dead. The most common type of Skeleton, which can be found in Ancient Ruins, Dungeons, Crypts and Cemeteries in Act I.
    • Archer
    • Assassin
    • Frost Liche
    • Hoplite
    • Minion
    • Soldier
  • Desecrated Dead.
    • Archer
    • Assassin
    • Captain
    • Frost Liche
    • Hoplite
    • Soldier
  • Exhumed Dead. Another variant of Skeleton, which can be encountered in Greece. Can be recognized by their yellowed bones.
    • Burning Revenant
    • Tainted Revenant
  • Embalmed Skeleton. After they have been killed, they throw off their skin and transform into a flaming skeleton.
  • Gilded Dead. They appear in tombs in Act II and in caverns in Act III.
  • Swamp Skeleton. Green skeletons found in swampy Tsakonian Ruins in Hades (Act IV).
    • Archer
    • Warrior
  • Abyssal Liche. Powerful mage usually found in late Act III.
  • Shadow Skeleton. Black skeletons found in Ruins, Crypts and the coast of Styx in Act IV.
    • Archer
    • Warrior
  • Salt Miner. only appear in the Act V Salt Mines region. Sub-variants: Miner (melee), Hauler (can throw salt clumps).
  • Cold Dead. appear in the Act V Barrowlands region. Sub-variants: Peasant (melee), Hunter (archer), Spakona (spellcaster).


  • Acolyte.
  • Archer. They wield a bow and shoot quickly. Recommended resistances: Pierce and Chance to Avoid Projectiles.
  • Assassin (Champion). They wear armor and wield two swords, or sometimes sword and shield. They inflict heavy bleeding and pierce damage. They also use Calculated Strike, which can be deadly. Recommended resistances: Bleeding, Piercing.
  • Captain (Champion). They are the most well-equipped skeleton-types in game. They often wear head, torso, arm and leg armor. They have a great amount of armor and offensive ability and wield a variety of weapons, such as swords, clubs, spears and axes. They wield a weapon in each hand, thanks to Dual Wield ability with Hew passive modifier. They also use Earth Enchantment, which boosts up their and near monsters' damage with fire. With all features listed above, they are dangerous enemies, who can deal a lot of damage even when alone. Recommended resistances: Physical, Pierce, Fire.
  • Flame Lord, Flame Liche. They are Fire Mages, they sometimes cast Meteor, which summons falling flame balls from the skies. It will hit the player almost to death and also does Stun for a second. They also use Ring of Flame, that deals fire damage in a certain radius and also inflicts Burn damage. They always wield a staff and an undropable robe. Recommended resistances: Fire.
  • Frost Liche/Lord (Champion). They are Frost Mages, who attack with their staff as their basic attack and can use Ice Shard skill as well. They wear a staff and robe. Recommended resistances: Cold, Chance to Avoid Projectiles.
  • Frozen Revenant. Powerful melee fighter surrounded by blue cloud. Equipped with sword and shield.
  • Hoplite. Strong close combat fighter. They always wield a spear, sometimes a shield and are often well-equipped with chest, head, legs and arms armor. They can deal a deadly amount of bleeding and pierce damage. Recommended resistances: Bleeding, Pierce.
  • Minion. Most basic and weakest of all Skeletons. Don't wear armor and have half of a Soldiers health. No threat at all. Recommended resistances: Physical.
  • Plague Lord. They inflict deadly poison and pierce damage. Recommended resistances: Pierce, Poison, Bleeding.
  • Soldier. They are the most common types of skeletons. They scarcely wear armors. They wield a weapon and a shield only. Sometimes armed with a throwable Lagobolon instead of a close combat weapon (starting with AE). They have low defense and attack, but they pose a threat in big numbers. Recommended resistances: Physical.
  • Spirit Liche. They are Theurgists, who use Deathchill Aura, which decreases player's health and total speed in a certain radius. They also can Leech life from player. On Epic and Legendary difficulty, their skills and damages are on high level. Recommended resistances: Life Leech.
  • Tainted Revenant. Quite powerful melee fighter surrounded by noxious green cloud. Uses sword and shield.
  • Warlock. Like Spirit Liche has Deathchill Aura.


Cinder Bone
Fenuku, Martyr of the Crimson Brotherhood ~ Skeletal Hero
Frost Marrow
Ji Bao the Dishonored ~ Skeletal Hero
Rot Bone
The Bonelord ~ Skeletal Hero
Theophrastos the Plump ~ Skeleton Hero
Toxeus the Murderer
Umayma, Flayed Witch ~ Skeletal Hero
Xenokrates of the Shadowblade ~ Skeleton Hero

