Reptilian is a type of monsters encountered in most wetland areas throughout Egypt. They look like giant humanoid crocodiles and belong to the Beastman category. They have strong attacks and good defense, but they are slow.
The stronger variants get to wear their own type of armor, Reptilian Mantles (body armor) and Reptilian Crests (arm protection). Both items have strength requirements.

Reptilian Armor
- Soldier. Basic melee fighter. They don't wear any body armor and wield weapons like swords and axes.
- Centurion. Melee fighter wielding a charged spear and capable of fast attacks. They always wear body armor.
- Overseer. Magic user with powerful ranged attacks. They always wear body armor.
The Centurions and Overseers also come in a more powerful Hulking variety.
- Barroc ~ Reptilian Hero
- Drottuk ~ Reptilian Hero
- Hyiosouchos ~ Reptilian Hero (AE)
- Ssark ~ Reptilian Hero
- Rorkis ~ Reptilian Hero