Titan Quest Wiki

A Ranger is a combination of the Nature and Hunting masteries.


  • A lot of health
  • Summons to help damaging single targets
  • Fast Single Target damage
  • Lots of healing skills


  • Weak AoE
  • Weak defense



  • Health - No points
  • Energy - No points
  • Strength - 258
  • Dexterity - All points


  • Head - Alexander's Plumed Helm, Tracker's Hood
  • Torso - Alexander's Cuirass, Tracker's Armor
  • Arm - Phobos, Tracker's Gloves
  • Leg - Athena's Battle Greaves, Tracker's Leg Guard
  • Weapon - Phorkos' Trident, Painweaver, Bow of Herakles
  • Shield - Shield of the Korybantes
  • Rings - Apollo's Will
  • Amulet - Crimson Gem of Cytorius, Myrmidon's Pendant
  • Artifact -


In the beginning, focus on Wood Lore, Herbal Remedy, Plague

At the very end Call of the Wild (max)

With spears:

With bows:


Health - 8 000+

Attack - 1700
Speed - 210
Defense - 1900

Resistances -

Offensive Ability - 700
Defensive Ability - 1200-1700

Nature Mastery Skills[]

Points Skills
40 Earthbind SkillBarTop SylvanProtection
32 Refresh SkillBarTop Sanctuary SkillBarConnector Nature'sWrath
24 SkillBarTop PermanenceOfStone SkillBarMiddle SkillBarTop StrengthOfThePack SkillBarConnector Overgrowth SkillBarTop Susceptibility
16 SkillBarConnector TranquilityOfWater SkillBarTop Dissemination SkillBarConnector StingingNettle SkillBarMiddle SkillBarBottom SylvanNymph SkillBarMiddle
10 SkillBarMiddle SkillBarMiddle SkillBarBottom BriarWard SkillBarConnector SurvivalInstinct SkillBarConnector Fatigue
4 SkillBarBottom HeartOfOak SkillBarConnector AcceleratedGrowth SkillBarConnector Maul SkillBarBottom Plague
1 SkillBarBottom Regrowth SkillBarBottom CallOfTheWild

Hunting Mastery Skills[]

Points Skills
40 SkillBarTop Finesse SpearDance
32 SkillBarTop FlushOut SkillBarMiddle SkillBarTop ScatterShotArrows Volley
24 SkillBarMiddle SkillBarConnector ExploitWeakness SkillBarMiddle SkillBarTop TrailBlazing SkillBarTop Detonate
16 SkillBarBottom StudyPrey SkillBarMiddle SkillBarConnector PunctureShotArrows Gouge SkillBarConnector FindCover SkillBarMiddle
10 SkillBarTop BarbedNetting SkillBarBottom CallOfTheHunt SkillBarMiddle SkillBarTop Eviscerate SkillBarMiddle SkillBarBottom MonsterLure
4 SkillBarMiddle SkillBarBottom Marksmanship SkillBarMiddle SkillBarBottom ArtOfTheHunt HerbalRemedy
1 SkillBarBottom Ensnare SkillBarBottom TakeDown WoodLore