Titan Quest Wiki
Titan Quest Wiki

There are quite a few quests in Titan Quest. If you see a person with an exclamation mark above their head, then you can speak with them to start or advance a quest.

There are 2 types of quests:

Main Quests: These missions tell the game's story. You must complete these to complete the game.

Side Quests: These quests are optional missions. There are many of them in each act. They have varied goals: kill unique monsters, speak with NPCs, deliver messages, etc.

Act I[]

Act II[]

Act III[]

Act IV[]

Act V[]


Act VI[]

  1. A Strange Land
  2. Seeking An Audience
  3. A Familiar Face
  4. A God No More

Mainland China

  • The Root of the Problem (Flooded Caves)
  • Monkey Business (Lai Farmlands)
  • A Book and its Cover (Valley of the Failed)
  • The Council of Three (Slaver Camp)


  • Emperor Yao's Bell (Trade Quarter) (2 Skill Points)
  • Love and Loss (Palace Exteriors)
  • Lust for Jade (Pingyang Highlands)
  • Fire and Gold (Upper Ascent)

The Heavens

  • Heavenly lovers (Heavenly Gardens)
  • Maze of Mirages (Shen's Sanctum)

Lower Egypt

  • Shadowstone of Anubis (Asyut Encampment) (+10% Vitality Resistance)
  • No Peace for the Fallen (Necropolis Outskirts)
  • A Venom Most Foul (Thebes Borderlands)

The Marshland

  • The Phoenix and the Frog (Infested Bog)

The Ravaged Square

  • Just Desserts (Infested Bog)
