Titan Quest Wiki
Titan Quest Wiki

Master Neidan, the art of internal and external alchemy. Using a combination of deadly concoctions and abilities that make use of their inner energies, Neidan are a force to be reckoned with.

Skill Tree[]

Below follow all the skills in the Neidan Mastery:

Points Skills
40 WeakestChakra SkillBarTop FogedbyFire SkillBarTop SpreadingInfluance
32 SkillBarTop EchoesoftheAncestors SkillBarTop VoiceoftheAncients SkillBarMiddle SkillBarTop MeldingArmor SkillBarMiddle
24 Convergence SkillBarMiddle SkillBarTop Reverberation SkillBarMiddle SkillBarConnector Shatter SkillBarMiddle SkillBarMiddle
16 SkillBarBottom ShenPao SkillBarMiddle SkillBarMiddle SkillBarBottom TerracottaServants SkillBarMiddle SkillBarMiddle BlessingofJinChan
10 SkillBarTop EssenceofJade SkillBarBottom ChiRealignment SkillBarMiddle SkillBarBottom AuraofTranquility SkillBarMiddle
4 SkillBarMiddle SmokeCloud SkillBarMiddle SkillBarTop MutualSuffering SkillBarMiddle
1 SkillBarBottom PotentElixir SkillBarBottom BreathAttack SkillBarBottom Consequences SkillBarBottom Huangdi'sFavor

Skill Unlocks[]

  • Mastery 1 - Potent Elixir, Breath Attack, Consequences, Huangdi's Favor
  • Mastery 4 - Smoke Cloud, Mutual Suffering
  • Mastery 10 - Essence of Jade, Chi Realignment, Aura of Tranquility
  • Mastery 16 - Shen Pao, Terracotta Servants, Blessing of Jin Chan
  • Mastery 24 - Convergence, Reverberation, Shatter
  • Mastery 32 - Echoes of the Ancestors, Voice of the Ancients, Melding Armor
  • Mastery 40 - Weakest Chakra, Forged by Fire, Spreading Influence

Mastery Progression[]


Master Neidan,the art of internal and external alchemy. Using a combination of deadly concoctions and abilities that make use of their inner energies, Neidan are a force to be reckoned with.

Mastery Level Dexterity Bonus Intelligence Bonus Health Bonus Energy Bonus
40 60 120 900 240
39 58 117 878 234
38 57 114 855 228
37 55 111 833 222
36 54 108 810 216
35 52 105 788 210
34 51 102 765 204
33 49 99 743 198
32 48 96 720 192
31 46 93 698 186
30 45 90 675 180
29 43 87 653 174
28 42 84 630 168
27 40 81 608 162
26 39 78 585 156
25 37 75 563 150
24 36 72 540 144
23 34 69 518 138
22 33 66 495 132
21 31 63 473 126
20 30 60 450 120
19 28 57 428 114
18 27 54 405 108
17 25 51 383 102
16 24 48 360 96
15 22 45 338 90
14 21 42 315 84
13 19 39 293 78
12 18 36 270 72
11 16 33 248 66
10 15 30 225 60
9 13 27 203 54
8 12 24 180 48
7 10 21 158 42
6 9 18 135 36
5 7 15 113 30
4 6 12 90 24
3 4 9 68 18
2 3 6 45 12
1 1 3 23 6


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