Titan Quest Wiki
Titan Quest Wiki

Monsters (commonly also called mobs) are the many evil creatures you are supposed to fight in order to progress with the game, gain experience or loot weapons and armor. They usually come in groups, have more or less fixed levels and can drop various kinds of general or monster-specific equipment.

Monster Name Colors[]

Monster names appear in different colors, with each color representing a certain class of monster:

  • White - Common monsters.
  • Yellow (Champions) - These are stronger than regular monsters and often use special skills. They also have a higher chance to drop higher quality equipment. However, there are usually no more than one or two champions per monster group.
  • Orange (Hero) - They are rarely encountered, have individual names and a star above their heads. They are usually much stronger than regulars or champions and often use powerful skills. Hero monsters have a good chance to drop items of higher quality and give extra experience, when defeated.
  • Red (Boss) - Very special monsters, always found at fixed locations and are often associated with the main quest line or with a side quest. They are usually very strong, use several special skills and net you a lot of experience. Bosses drop a Mystical Orb or guard a Majestic Chest. Mystical Orbs and Majestic Chests have the best chance of dropping Epic and Legendary items.
  • Purple/Pink (Quests monsters) - Regular or champion monsters, which need to be killed in order to complete a side quest. Quest monsters generally have a higher chance to drop high quality equipment.

Monster Classes[]

Monsters in Titan Quest always belong to a particular class. The class usually defines some general attributes and is used for certain skills (like the Hunting Mastery's many bonuses versus Beasts and Beastmen) or item attributes (like "% reduced damage from Demons").
