The Megara Outskirts is a region north from the City of Megara. A simple path populated by monsters goes through a small village of Undead to the Kerata Forest.
Points of Interest[]
Overrunned Village[]
Village located close to Megara, now captured and decimated by Undead forces from Old Eleusis.
- Dark Satyr ( Beastman ): Elite Warrior, Elite Skirmisher, Veteran Peltast, Elite Peltast, Boar Rider ( Champion ), Ravager ( Champion ), Shaman ( Champion ), Spirit Caller ( Champion ), Pillager ( Champion )
- Awakened Dead ans Exhumed Dead Skeleton ( Undead ): Soldier, Archer, Assassin ( Champion ), Frost Liche ( Champion ), Captain ( Champion )
- Graklos the Graveless ( Hero )
- Maenad ( Beastman ): Tracker, Stalker, Huntress ( Champion ), Sorceress ( Champion ), Rogue ( Champion )
- Regular and Festering Zombie ( Undead ): Soldier
- Plague Bird ( Beast )
See also[]
- Greece - general information on Act I