Titan Quest Wiki
a picture of the master forge of the Dvergar

Durin and Dvalinn, in the Master Forge Chamber

This is a Side Quest from The North (Act V).

After killing the mushroom king for Dvalinn and Durin, they offer to upgrade a Legendary (Purple) or Epic (Blue) item for your hero. For a price.


  1. Quest Start - In the main story, kill the mushroom king in the Old Mine for Durin and Dvalinn. Then talk to them in the Master Forge Chamber.
  2. Fetch the Mead of Valhöll in Valholl (milk it from Gudrun the Goat) and bring it to Durin.
  3. Fetch the Mead of Poetry from the southwest corner of Hnitbjorg (get it from a little pond) and bring it to Durin.
  4. Fetch the Blacksteel Ingot from a room in the Land's End ~ Armory (get it from a chest) and bring it to Durin.
  5. Durin will now upgrade one Epic (Blue) or Legendary (Purple) piece of equipment by adding random affixes to it (both a prefix and a suffix).

Important Notes[]

  • As a rule, Epic and Legendary items do not have any affixes (unless you have added them through this quest on a previous difficulty). Although there are a few exceptions to this rule such as Black Pearl ring, Crystal Totem amulet, and a couple of more items.
  • It is possible to overwrite already existing affixes, so you must be careful when upgrading items that have already been upgraded through this quest on a previous difficulty.
  • Since you can complete this quest only once per each difficulty, you can upgrade a total of three times per hero.
  • It is possible to see the exact information for the affixes you have received through this upgrade by using external tools (for example, TQ Vault).


  • An upgraded Epic (Blue) or Legendary (Purple) piece of equipment.
  • 30K / 75K / 210K Experience (Normal / Epic / Legendary difficulty) for delivering the Mead of Vallhöll.
  • 30K / 75K / 210K Experience for delivering the Mead of Poetry.
  • 30K / 75K / 210K Experience for delivering the Blacksteel Ingot.
Act V Quests
Troubles of a New AgeFestivitiesScironA Northern ContactThe Warrior PrincessHeart to StomachWhite GoldThe Golden SickleThe Power of NerthusWine from the RhineThe Troubled SonCeltic PlaidLittle FriendsThe Trapped NixieThe Kornwyf's ScytheScandia under SiegeGieselFir Cone LiquorThe Restless KingThe Magic CauldronThe SurvivorThe RescueDvergar HistorySquabbling MerchantsThe Craftsman's PassionLegendary CraftsmanshipThe Wisest BeingThe Burning Sword