Laconia Woods is a forest region in early Greece (Act I), leading from Laconia in the south to both the Abandoned Graveyard and Laconia Hills in the north. You will encounter Harpies here for the first time.
Points of Interests[]
Lumber Camp
When you arrive, this place besieged by Satyrs. Within that camp you will find Lycus attacked by Satyrs. As you approach, the man will try to escape to the south - right into the hands of even more Satyrs.

Euphadimus gives the side quest Medicines Waylaid.
Confused Traveler
To the north you'll find man named Euphadimus. He is about to bring medicines back to his village Tegea, but the Satyrs, led by 'one of their fierce champions', are blocking the way.
- Lycus ~ Laborer is a man being attack by Satyrs. Talking to him after defeating the Satyrs will complete the side quest The Cornered Man.
- Thank you. I was in a bit of a scrape there, I'll admit. Thank the god Hermes you came along.
- You know, the satyrs have always been there, deep in the woods. But they were shy of humans and never so savage as this.
- I don't know when the rumors started. First a man was attacked. Then strange beasts were seen by moonlight. Whispers of centaurs, harpies... And then, suddenly, they were upon us.
- This was my home. The beasts attacked and set fire to everything I owned. A few minutes more and they would have had my life as well!
- It's madness! A curse from some god we have offended. These beasts are brazen, they roam at will.
- Thank you for your help. May the goddess Athena keep you safe.
- Euphadimus ~ Traveler stands near the northern Rebirth Fountain. Talking to him starts the third side quest, Medicines Waylaid. Talking to him again after defeating the Satyr Champion completes this quest.
- Traveler, please you must assist me! A strange illness afflicts many in my town of Tegea and I was sent to retrieve medicines. I have them in my cart but now the pass ahead is held by satyrs, led by one of their fierce champions.
- Without this medicine many in Tegea will perish. If I don't find a way to get back soon, there may be none left to welcome me home.
- News of satyrs and even stranger beasts is spreading across the land. It seems every town or village has a story, and I've heard the Spartan forces are on the march.
- If you could clear the pass ahead I would be forever grateful. If not I will have to try and force my way, through I fear that will be a most unpleasant ending.
- After Satyr Champion is killed:
- The way is clear? Good! Well, I'll be moving on I suppose. Here, have this for your troubles.
- Now I can make the journey to Tegea.
- Satyr ( Beastman ): Scout, Warrior, Veteran Warrior, Skirmisher, Veteran Skirmisher
- Brush Harpy ( Beast ) : Hag, Crone
- Ravenous Boar ( Beast )
- Carrion Crow ( Beast )
In Real Life[]
Unlike the Helos Woods, the forests of the rest of Laconia are still around, mostly hugging the hills and mountains of the region. The forests of the Peloponnese and Southern Greece in general are made up of cypress and poplar trees.
- Lycus can't die by the hands of attacking Satyrs.
- Second group of Satyrs near Lycus will not respawn after being killed.
- Later you will find the village Euphadimus speaks about.
See also[]
- Greece - general information on Act I