Titan Quest Wiki
Titan Quest Wiki

Keleos the Forktongued is a Gorgon Hero Monster.

Possible Location (Act I)[]

Athens Catacombs - Level 1
Tritons Ridge - Ancient Tomb
Minoan Labyrinth

Skills Used[]

Keleos the Forktongued uses the next skills (this info is actual for the addon "Immortal Throne"):

1. Study Prey of level 2 (the Hunting Mastery):

-26% Physical Resistance
-25% Pierce Resistance
8 Seconds Duration
8 Seconds Recharge

2. Gouge of level 4 (the Hunting Mastery):

12% Chance to be used (activated on attack)
129 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds

3. The skill "Enchanted Weapon" of level 4 (no Mastery, Active aura):

12-16 Cold Damage

4. The skill "Improved Protection" (Passive skill):

+39 Armor (Normal Difficulty)
+132 Armor (Epic Difficulty)
+297 Armor (Legendary Difficulty)

Character Attributes (Normal Difficulty)[]

CharLevel = 17
30-50 Damage without Weapon (Hands only)
48 Strength
96 Intelligence
145 Dexterity
890 Life
120 Energy
LifeRegen = 2
ManaRegen = 2
AttackSpeed = 100%
RunSpeed = 110%
SpellCastSpeed = 200%
50% Pierce Resistance
500 experience points


1. Torso Armor

Chance to equip Torso Armor - 100%
Chance to equip unique Torso Armor - 0%
Chance to equip the Sentinel's Cuirass - 0.4%

2. Bow

Chance to equip a Bow - 100%
Chance to equip unique Bow - 0.26%

3. Head Armor (Circlet)

Chance to equip Head Armor - 20%
Chance to equip unique Head Armor - 0.2%

4. Arms Armor

Chance to equip Arms Armor - 20%
Chance to equip unique Arms Armor - 0.05%

5. Legs Armor (Greaves)

Chance to equip Legs Armor - 0%

6. Shields

Chance to equip Shields - 0%

7. Amulets

Chance to equip Amulets - 0%

8. Rings

Chance to equip a Ring - 1%
Chance to equip unique Ring - 0.0026%

9. Miscellaneous Items

Chance to loot Life Potion - 8%
Chance to loot Mana Potion - 2%
Chance to loot an Arcane Formula - 0%
Chance to Loot a Relic - 0,5%