Greece is the First Act of Titan Quest. The monsters you will find here are boars, satyrs, centaurs, crows, skeletons, zombies, wraiths, arachnos, gorgons, minotaurs and automatoi. The act focuses on the attempts of Sparta and its allies to stem the increasing monster threat. Meanwhile, you (as the player) will be attempting to help as well by chasing a Lesser Titan known as a Telkine, rumored to be the source of the monster threat.
- Road to Helos
- Temple of Heaven's Pact (Secret)
- Village of Helos (Portal)
- Helos Farmland
- Helos Woods (Dark Satyr - Shaman)
- Laconia
- Natural Cave (Pandarus - Thieving Eurynomus)
- Laconia Woods
- Abandoned Graveyard
- Laconia Hills
- Natural Cave
- Spartan Road
- Spartan War-Camp (Portal)
- Pellana Valley (Boss: Nessus ~ Centaur Chieftain) (Majestic Chest)
- Spartan Highlands
- Natural Cave
- Mycenean Ruins
- Ancient Tomb
- Spartan Woods
- Natural Cave (Epic Boss: Boar Snatcher) (Majestic Chest)
- Village of Tegea
- Tegea Graveyard
- Tegea Forest
- Tegea Spring (southwest section)
- Fetid Lair
- Arcadia
- Ancient Tomb
- Megara Bluff
- Megara Coast
- Natural Cave
- City of Megara (Portal)
- Megara Outskirts
- Kerata Forest
- Old Eleusis
- Ancient Ruins (Menon - Prince of the Bow; Polypas - Prince of the Blade; Aristeus - Prince of the Storm)
- Halcyon Coast (Boss: Polyphemus ~ Cyclops) (Majestic Chest)
- Cyclops' Lair
- Natural Cave
- Boetia
- Ambrossos Farmlands
- Chiron's Grove
- Natural Cave (Ino - Maenad Priestess)
- Chiron's Grove
- Village of Ambrossos
- Helicos Valley
- Olive Grove - (Boss: Arachne ~ Spider Queen) (Majestic Chest)
- Helicos Pass
- Phocian Swamps
- Natural Cave (Shadowmaw)
- Lower Delphi
- Crisaeos Falls
- Natural Cave
- The Fissure of Chaos
- Delphi Highlands
- City of Delphi (Portal)
- Temple of Apollo
- Parnassus Foothills
- Parnassus Caves (Cepharis - Master of the Flame)
- Parnassus Hinterlands (Portal)
- Cephesus Woods
- Natural Cave
- Cephesus Woods
- Lower War-Camp
- Natural Cave
- Upper War-Camp
- Pythian Caves (Boss: Gorgon Queen - Euryale; Gorgon Queen - Medusa; Gorgon Queen - Stheno) (Majestic Chest)
- Athenian Passage
- Ancient Tomb
- Kephisos Valley (Ancient Limos - Life Eater)
- Monster Encampment
- Athens Mortuary Grounds
- Ancient Tomb
- Athens Marsh (Legendary Boss: Lernean Hydra) (Majestic Chest)
- Athens Mortuary Grounds
- Athenian Battleground
- City of Athens (Portal)
- Acropolis --> Parthenon --> Athens Catacomb
- Athens Catacombs
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Level 4
- Level 5 - (Boss: Alastor ~ Scourge of Acheron) (Majestic Chest)
- Athens Docks
- Athens Catacombs
- Acropolis --> Parthenon --> Athens Catacomb
- Knossos Beach
- Village of Herakleion (Portal)
- Herakleion Highlands
- Omphalion
- Tritons Ridge
- Natural Cave (Runelord K'kin'zir - Arachnos Hero)
- Ancient Tomb (Leucus I - Tyrant of Crete)
- Kairatos Bluff
- Knossos Palace - (Epic Boss: Talos ~ Master Automatoi) (Majestic Chest)
- Court of King Minos
- Minoan Labyrinth - (Boss: Minotaur Lord) (Golden Chest)
- Room of the Conduit - (Boss: Megalesios ~ Telkine) (Mystic Orb)
- Knossos Landing
Rhakotis - Egypt
- Arachnos
- Automatoi
- Boar
- Boarman
- Carrion Bird
- Cave Bat
- Centaur
- Eurynomus
- Giant Turtle
- Gorgon
- Harpy
- Ichthian
- Limos
- Maenad
- Orthus
- Satyr
- Skeleton
- Spider
- Trap
- Wraith
- Zombie
- A Troubled Village (Road to Helos)
- Spartans at War (Village of Helos) (1 Skill Point)
- The Lost Dowry (Laconia Hills)
- The Ancient of War (Spartan War-Camp)
- The Poisoned Spring (Village of Tegea) (+75 / +150 / +200 Health)
- The Words of the Oracle (Spartan War-Camp)
- The Source of the Monsters (City of Delphi)
- A Proper Offering (City of Megara) (Resistance Bonus)
- The Good Centaur (Ambrossos Farmlands) (2 Attribute Points)
- A Master Blacksmith (Village of Ambrossos)
- Goods Abandoned (Village of Ambrossos)
- The Grieving Widow (City of Delphi)
- The Battle for Athens (Pythian Caves)
- The Order of Prometheus (Athenian Battleground)
- Under the Labyrinth (Athens Catacombs - Level V) (Second Inventory Bag)
Acts |
Greece (Act I) • Egypt (Act II) • Orient (Act III) • Hades (Act IV) • The North (Act V) • Atlantis • The East |