Titan Quest Wiki
Soeurs Grées

The Gray Sisters are Bosses in Act IV, in the Tsakonian Ruins after Medea. You need to kill them to get the eye for Medea. The door closes behind you for the fight. They are three - Enyo, Deino and Pemphredo, the latest being the strongest.


As boss monsters they are immune to Controls and almost immune to percent health and energy damage. Even if Pemphredo is stronger and tougher they all share the same resistances.


They all have the same skills and have no melee attack. One will always have the eye will have a more powerful spells and higher defenses. They will often swap the eye, moreover they will give it to one of their sister before being killed.

  • Small Projectile - Slow ranged attack
    • Large Projectile (with the Eye) - Slow ranged attack dealing more damage
  • Lightning Clap - Similar to Storm Surge from Storm Mastery
  • Thunderstorm (Eye required) - Similar to Squall from Storm Mastery dealing a lot of damage
  • Has the eye - Get the eye from one of her sister improving her basic spells and granting her Thunderstorm


Important resistances:
