Titan Quest Wiki

If you have gone through the first tutorial, you should have the basic structure created. This tutorial will go through the steps on creating a custom respawn well, as well as putting it into a group to work properly.

Other items to be placed in the world follow the same directions. If standard items are used, the customization in the database is not necessary.

Create a Custom Object[]

Open the Mod[]

  1. Open the Art Manager and select your mod A1: Mod - Select - A1. Now that we have our mod loaded we are ready to import objects so we can customize them.

Import a Respawn Well[]

  1. From the top menu select Mod - Import Record.

  2. Open the folders and select the object: records/item/shrines/respawntempleegyptug01.dbr
  3. Click Okay

  4. Click the Database tab near the middle of the Art Manager and expand the tree to the item you just imported.

    The screen should display a copy of the item respawntempleegyptug01 imported from records. Since we have imported it we are now free to edit it as we please. Rename it and move it to a central folder so we can find all our custom objects easy.

Organize The Records[]

  1. In your database right click the records folder and select Create Directory
  2. In the prompt that comes up enter a name of A1ScrollinsTut

  3. Now find the shrine we imported under item - shrines, right click it and select copy.

  4. Select the A1ScrollinsTut folder you made and right click and paste the object in the window to the right.
  5. right click the object that you pasted into your folder and rename it to ScrollinsRespawnWell.dbr

  6. You may go back and delete the other record we imported to keep the database clean. To do that:
    • Right click the old shrine under item-shrines
    • Delete it
    • Delete the two folders after that.
  7. Build the database so our new folder and item will show up in the editors menus.
    • Right click the main folder in Database A1\database
    • Select build.


    The item is ready to be placed in our world.
  8. Open the Editor and load up mod A1 source - maps ScrollinsTut.wrl.
  9. From the layout mode screen select the A1level1.lvl and enter edit mode GS08.

Fairytale messagebox info If your custom objects do not appear in the editor and you have the Immortal Throne installed there is a bug with the editor where it reads the incorrect path for the custom database. When "build"ing your custom database try the following:
  • Open the Art Manager
  • Click on Tools->Options
  • Make a copy of the path in the "Build" directory
  • Change the "Build" directory path to match the game install path, normally:

C:\Program Files\THQ\Titan Quest Immortal Throne\

  • Make sure you have the mod selected in the Mod menu
  • Build the database as normal
  • Change the "Build" path back to it's original path

This will need to be done each time the database is built.

Thanks to Codemajor at TitanQuest.net forums !!!Do not click build without the your mod being selected, you can corrupt the original game files and you'll need to re-install it!!!.

Place your Respawn Well[]

  1. Select the object tool GS13
  2. Expand the tree to records-a1scrollinstut- scrollinsrespawnwell
  3. With the well selected left click in the corner of the level to place it.

  4. To move and rotate the object use the transform tool under the object.

    • Clicking and dragging the cross in the center will move it.
    • Clicking and dragging the ring around in a circle will rotate the object.
    • Clicking and dragging between the cross and ring will raise and lower it.

Make a RespawnShrine Group[]

In order for the respawn well to work completely we need to form it into a group and make that group type RespawnShrine.

  1. Select the group tool GS26.
  2. On the right you see the group options.
  3. Select "New"
  4. Rename it to Respawners and select type RespawnShrine.

  5. With that group name selected click the well that you placed in the level. You should see a small red circle appear above it.

  6. Save all under File- Save All and close the editor.
  7. Open the Art Manager.
  8. Select your mod: Mod-Select-A1
  9. Compile by clicking Build- Build at the top (or by pressing F7). Then load up the map and test it out in Titan Quest the respawn shrine should work properly once activated.


In the next tutorial a customized monster is added.
