Titan Quest Wiki

Eurynomus (from Ancient Greek εὐρύς — with large range, spectrum, from multiple perspectives and νομός — domain, realm, thus Εὐρύνομος — multidimensional, omnipresent) is a monster in Titan Quest, found in caves and tombs in Greece (Act I), Egypt (Act II) and North (Act V). They are Demons and are usually gathered around a Bone Pile.


  • Bonepicker. Light green or brownish green in color. Can be found in Greek caves and tombs. Weak close combat fighter, who attacks with his claws.
  • Corpse Monger (Champion). Brown in color and a bit larger than Bonepickers. Can be found in Greek caves and tombs. Acts like Bonepickers in all aspects, but has slightly higher damage.
  • Flesh Eater (red or purple). Found in Egyptian tombs.
  • Lifethirster (black). Found in Egyptian tombs.
  • Bodyfeaster (blue). Found in caves of The North.


Mind Raker



Eurynomus may drop fragments of Demon's Blood monster charm.


In Greek mythology, Eurynomos is a flesh eating, bone gnawing creature, one of many daimones dwelling Hades, the Underworld.

