Titan Quest Wiki
Titan Quest Wiki

Drawing power from the dream world, the Seer uses sheer force of will to dominate the battlefield. The arcane workings of the psyche, time and reality itself are all playthings for those who have mastered the secrets of the mind.

Skill Tree[]

Below follow all the skills in the Dream Mastery (click on any skill to learn more):

Points Skills
40 DreamImage SkillBarTop PsionicBeam
32 TranceOfWrath SkillBarTop MasterMind SkillBarMiddle SkillBarTop TemporalRift
24 SkillBarTop TemporalFlux SkillBarMiddle SkillBarMiddle SkillBarMiddle SkillBarTop PsionicImmolation
16 TranceOfConvalenscence SkillBarMiddle SkillBarConnector HypnoticGaze SkillBarMiddle DistortionField SkillBarBottom DistortReality SkillBarMiddle
10 SkillBarConnector PremonitionSkill SkillBarBottom SummonNightmare SkillBarConnector PsionicBurn SkillBarTop DreamStealer SkillBarConnector ChaoticResonance
4 TranceOfEmpathy SkillBarBottom LucidDream SkillBarMiddle SkillBarBottom PhantomStrike SkillBarMiddle
1 SandsOfSleep SkillBarBottom PsionicTouch SkillBarBottom DistortionWave

Skill Unlocks[]

Mastery Progression[]


Expand your consciousness to draw more deeply from the power of the dream realm and exert your will upon physical reality”.

Mastery Level Strength Bonus Intelligence Bonus Health Bonus Energy Bonus
40 80 70 1400 320
39 78 68 1365 312
38 76 66 1330 304
37 74 65 1295 296
36 72 63 1260 288
35 70 61 1225 280
34 68 59 1190 272
33 66 58 1155 264
32 64 56 1120 256
31 62 54 1085 248
30 60 52 1050 240
29 58 51 1015 232
28 56 49 980 224
27 54 47 945 216
26 52 45 910 208
25 50 44 875 200
24 48 42 840 192
23 46 40 805 184
22 44 38 770 176
21 42 37 735 168
20 40 35 700 160
19 38 33 665 152
18 36 31 630 144
17 34 30 595 136
16 32 28 560 128
15 30 26 525 120
14 28 24 490 112
13 26 23 455 104
12 24 21 420 96
11 22 19 385 88
10 20 17 350 80
9 18 16 315 72
8 16 14 280 64
7 14 12 245 56
6 12 10 210 48
5 10 9 175 40
4 8 7 140 32
3 6 5 105 24
2 4 3 70 16
1 2 2 35 8


Related Items[]

These items add points to all skills in the mastery:

RRequires Ragnarok

ARequires Atlantis

ERequires Eternal Embers

E*Added by Eternal Embers, but obtainable without purchase
