Titan Quest Wiki

A Diviner is a combination of the Spirit and Dream masteries.





  • Health - No points
  • Energy - No points
  • Intelligence - All points
  • Dexterity - 150


  • Head - Coronal of the Abyss, Crown of Dockma'Ar
  • Torso - Vestment of the Overlord
  • Arm - Archmage's Clasp, Plouton's Bracelet
  • Leg - Battlemage Greaves, Leggings of the Defiled, Demonskin Walkers
  • Weapon - Green (Reduction to Enemy's Health)
  • Shield -
  • Rings - Green + Monkey King's Trickery, Persephone's Ring
  • Amulet - Aphrodite's Favor
  • Artifact - Elemental Rage (bonus Speed)


In the beginning, focus on Ternion Attack, Deathchill Aura, Dark Covenant

At the very end Spirit Ward, Summon Liche King (max)

Instead of Ternion Attack you can use Psionic Touch


It's a class annihilates mobs of monsters and bosses with a couple of hits.

Health - 4700

Attack - 850+
Speed - 180
Defense - 1090

Resistances - Max

Offensive Ability - 300
Defensive Ability - 1500

Spirit Mastery Skills[]

Points Skills
40 SkillBarTop SoulDrain SoulVortex
32 DeathWard SummonOutsider SkillBarMiddle SkillBarTop ArcaneBlast
24 SkillBarMiddle SkillBarTop UnearthlyPower SkillBarConnector WraithShell CircleOfPower
16 SkillBarTop ArcaneLore SkillBarTop Necrosis SkillBarMiddle EnslaveSpirit SkillBarMiddle SkillBarConnector DeathNova
10 SkillBarMiddle SkillBarMiddle SkillBarConnector Cascade SkillBarBottom DarkCovenant SkillBarBottom SummonLicheKing SkillBarTop SpiritBane
4 SkillBarBottom TernionAttack SkillBarConnector RavagesOfTime SkillBarMiddle VisionOfDeath SkillBarBottom SpiritWard
1 SkillBarBottom DeathchillAura SkillBarBottom LifeDrain

Dream Mastery Skills[]

Points Skills
40 DreamImage SkillBarTop PsionicBeam
32 TranceOfWrath SkillBarTop MasterMind SkillBarMiddle SkillBarTop TemporalRift
24 SkillBarTop TemporalFlux SkillBarMiddle SkillBarMiddle SkillBarMiddle SkillBarTop PsionicImmolation
16 TranceOfConvalenscence SkillBarMiddle SkillBarConnector HypnoticGaze SkillBarMiddle DistortionField SkillBarBottom DistortReality SkillBarMiddle
10 SkillBarConnector PremonitionSkill SkillBarBottom SummonNightmare SkillBarConnector PsionicBurn SkillBarTop DreamStealer SkillBarConnector ChaoticResonance
4 TranceOfEmpathy SkillBarBottom LucidDream SkillBarMiddle SkillBarBottom PhantomStrike SkillBarMiddle
1 SandsOfSleep SkillBarBottom PsionicTouch SkillBarBottom DistortionWave