Titan Quest Wiki

Direct Damage is damage immediately inflicted on the target when hit, as opposed to Damage over Time, which is dealt over a short period of time.


Basic attack calculation for Direct Damage dealt is fairly simple. Take your weapon damage, find the average, add any modifiers to Physical Damage, pile up all the mods and add them together, then take the Piercing %, convert from Physical to Pierce Damage, pile up all the Piercing mods, then take any Elemental or other damage type damage, and (yes, again), pile up on all the mods on it. Once this is done, your will have your number with X Physical, Y Piercing, Z Elemental / Bleed / Poison/etc damage.

Defenses against incoming damage applied in that order: Dodge & Avoid Projectiles > Defensive Ability ( vs your Offensive Ability ) > Damage Reduction

And only after that remaining damage applied to Health.

