City of Corinth
Act V > City of Corinth > Corinth Harbor Quarter
- Act V > City of Corinth > Road to Kenchreai
- Festivities
- Sciron (after solving the problem in the harbor)
- A Northern Contact (after reaching the Rhine Cave)
- Iairos ~ Priest of Asklepios (in the Temple of Asklepios, on the western edge of the city)
- Sosigenes ~ Enchanter
- Polydeuces ~ Caravan Driver
- Phaedrus ~ Aged Philsopher
- Epiktetos ~ Arcanist
- Dareias ~ Blacksmith
- Aegidios ~ Nosy Child
- Ariston ~ Oligarch
- Demokrites ~ Oligarch
- Onesimos ~ Oligarch
- Eutropius ~ Mystic
- Leonidas ~ Spartan General
- Kapaneus ~ Thessalian General
- Caralampe ~ Worshipper
- Stamatios ~ Guard
- Ylva ~ Princess of Scanida
- Yiorgia ~ Peasant
- Mad Crows - on the western edge of the graveyard