Titan Quest Wiki

Points of Interest[]

Monster Camps[]

In this region you can find a two monster camps. One right in the middle of the region, blocking narrow pass which leads farther to the second half of Boetia . Another camp located near the bridge to Ambrossos Farmlands.

Black Stone[]

Ominous Black Stone can be found near the exit of first monster camp, right near the bloodied sacrificial altar.


  • Dark Satyr ( Beastman ): Elite Warrior, Veteran Peltast, Elite Peltast, Elite Skirmisher, Boar Rider ( Champion )
  • Maenad ( Beastman ): Stalker, Tracker, Vanguard, Rogue ( Champion ), Shadowblade ( Champion ), Sorceress ( Champion )


  • Boeotia, sometimes alternatively Latinised as Boiotia, or Beotia, is one of the regional units of Greece. It is part of the region of Central Greece. Its capital is Livadeia, and its largest city is Thebes. Boeotia was also a region of ancient Greece, since before the 6th century BC.

See also[]

  • Greece - general information on Act I
Regions in Greece (Act I)
Road to HelosVillage of Helos (P) • Helos FarmlandHelos WoodsLaconiaLaconia WoodsAbandoned GraveyardLaconia HillsSpartan RoadSpartan War-Camp (P) • Pellana ValleySpartan HighlandsMycenean RuinsSpartan WoodsVillage of TegeaTegea ForestArcadiaMegara BluffMegara CoastCity of Megara (P) • Megara OutskirtsKerata ForestOld EleusisHalcyon CoastBoetiaAmbrossos FarmlandsChiron's GroveVillage of AmbrossosHelicos ValleyOlive GroveHelicos PassPhocian SwampsCrisaeos FallsDelphi HighlandsCity of Delphi (P) • Parnassus FoothillsParnassus CavesParnassus Hinterlands (P) • Cephesus WoodsLower War-CampUpper War-CampPythian CavesAthenian PassageKephisos ValleyMonster EncampmentAthenian BattlegroundCity of Athens (P) • Athens CatacombsAthens DocksVillage of Herakleion (P) • Herakleion HighlandsOmphalionTritons RidgeKairatos BluffKnossos PalaceMinoan Labyrinth (B)
P = Portal, S = Side Quest, B = Boss Monster (Majestic Chest)