Artifacts are special items that are placed in a special new slot on your character. They grant special bonuses to your character on top of the ones already granted by your previous equipment. Finding an artifact is hard (they drop very rarely compared to other items in the game), but you can create one if you find an Enchanter and ask him to make you one.
For the Enchanter to create one for you, you will need a recipe (Arcane Formula) though. With the Arcane Formula, the correct amount of money and the reagents, the Enchanter will create the Artifact for you.
They come in three types: lesser, greater and divine. Greater artifacts normally require lesser artifacts as ingredients and divine artifacts normally require greater artifacts.
Some greater artifacts and most divine ones grants the wearer a specific skill, that are activated in different ways:
- On attack: have a chance to activate when you attack.
- On low health: always activate when you are low on life
- On low energy: always activate when you are low on energy
- On hit: have a chance to activate when you're hit
- On ranged hit: have a chance to activate when you're hit by projectiles
- On melee hit: have a chance to activate when you're hit on melee
All of these skills have a cooldown timer, most of them very long, so they won't activate that often.
Requires: Titan Quest: Immortal Throne, Ragnarok
Arcane Formula[]
An Arcane Formula is a item used to create Artifact with certain items when given to an enchanter. There are three types of Arcane Formulae: Lesser, Greater, and Divine. Some give small attribute or skill benefits, while some give unique skills, such as the ability to send forth a tidal wave of freezing cold water. Divine artifacts are all based off items belonging to the gods, and provide extreme bonuses, plus a very powerful skill.
Lesser Artifact[]
There are 40 Lesser Artifacts
- Amber Flask
- Bloodrage
- Carnyx (R)
- Chaos Cube
- Cinderbolt
- Crystal Tear
- Dark Core
- Deathrattle
- Earthen Talisman
- Ebony Globe
- Effigy of the Panther
- Emerald Quill
- Ethereal Veil
- Golden Belt (R)
- Jade Idol
- Leafsong
- Maiden's Kiss
- Molten Orb
- Nexus of Insanity
- Pale Moon
- Phylactery of Shadows
- Raven's Shadow
- Razor Claw
- Scroll of Oneiros
- Seidr Bones (R)
- Shroud of Eternal Night
- Silver Heart
- Singasteinn (R)
- Skyfire Pendant
- Song of the Serpent
- Soul Shiver
- Spirit Blight
- Star Heart
- Summoner's Totem
- Sunstone
- Thunderfist
- Tome of Transfiguration
- Tongue of Flame
- Touch of the Fool
- Wraithguard
Greater Artifact[]
There are 25 Greater Artifacts
- Arcane Mirror
- Blood Gem
- Book of Dreams
- Conqueror's Mark
- Crimson Viper
- Dragontongue
- Druidic Wreath
- Dvalinn's Simulacrum (R)
- Effigy of Skyfire
- Elemental Rage
- Eye of the Heavens
- Final Breath
- Fury of the Ages
- Gambanteinn (R)
- Gjallarhorn (R)
- Glorybringer
- Hand of Gaia
- Heart of Earth
- Kingslayer
- Lionheart
- Shadow Veil
- Soul Prism
- Sphere of Eternity
- Symbol of the Polymath
- Tyrant's Fist
Divine Artifact[]
There are 19 Divine Artifacts
- Anubis' Judgement (EE)
- Apples of Idun (R)
- Blood of Ares
- Crescent Moon of Artemis
- Crosier of Osiris
- Demeter's Bounty
- Discipline of Kunlun (EE)
- Envy of Set (EE)
- Eye of Ra
- Golden Eye of Sun Wukong
- Ikon of Zeus
- Knot of Isis
- Lyre of Apollo
- Marduk's Tablet of Destiny
- Might of Hephaestus
- Morpheus' Dreamweb
- Orb of Sihai Longwang
- Peach of Immortality
- Poseidon's Net
- Sigil of Bast
- Star of Ishtar
- Strength of Pangu
- Talisman of the Jade Emperor
- Thoth's Glory
- Wheel of Taranis (R)
The following artifacts were planned to be added with the Atlantis DLC : Foam of Tethys, The Pride of Atlantis, Scale of Tiamat, Halo of Eos, Melqart's Oil and Brôma Theôn. They have bitmaps and names but are copies of Ragnarok artifacts and can't drop. Moreover there are 3 others without specific names and bitmaps. We might expect to see them in a future patch.