Arachnos (from Greek άραχνος — full of spiders) is a purple, green, or rusty orange coloured kind of monsters that are half spider and half man. They are found in several places around Greece and Orient and usually attack in medium-sized groups. Although not difficult individually, their pack-nature can make them dangerous.
- Basic, regular variant that has no special name. The weakest breed. Has a brown carapace.
- Deathspinner
- Drone
- Soldier
- Veteran Soldier
- Baleful. A More dangerous breed. Has a purple carapace.
- Drone
- Soldier
- Elite Soldier
- Malevolent. Another variant of arachnoi with yellow and green coloured carapace, usually met in Greece. Presumably more dangerous than Baleful.
- Deathspinner
- Drone
- Overseer
- Veteran Soldier
- Elite Soldier
- Tropical. An eastern breed with green and blue coloured carapace and tarantula-like head, complete with fangs and beady eyes. They also have different Monster Infrequents.
- Drone
- Soldier
- Veteran Soldier
- Enchanter
- Runeweaver
- Deathspinner
- Deathspinner (Champion). Strong melee fighter, who can throw spider nets from afar to immobilize his target. He also has an aura, shown as a faint purple glow beneath him, that increases his and his allies' attack speed. Tropical Deathspinners tend to wield spears, instead of melee weapons, for further piercing damage. Deathspinner attacks can inflict Bleeding DoT. Recommended Resistances: Physical, Piercing, Bleeding.
- Drone. Basic melee warriors. Equipped with close a combat weapon and sometimes pieces of Arachos armor. They are weak and hardly ever pose a threat on their own. Recommended Resistances: Physical, Pierce.
- Overseer. Melee fighter.
- Runeweaver. Stronger version of the Spellweaver. Recommended Resistances: Poison, Chance to Avoid Projectiles.
- Soldier. Slightly tougher and bigger melee warriors than Drones. Usually have better and more armor, but their damage is still unimpressive. There are Normal, Veteran and Elite Soldiers, with Elite the strongest. Recommended Resistances: Physical, Piercing.
- Veteran Soldier
- Elite Soldier
- Spellweaver. Ranged attackers who throw poison bolts at their enemies, inflicting Poison damage and Poison Damage over Time (DoT) and reduce Movement Speed. Recommended Resistances: Poison, Chance to Avoid Projectiles.
Unique Equipment[]
- Arachnos Helmet
- Arachnos Armplates
- Arachnos Chitin
- Tropical Arachnos Mask
- Tropical Arachnos Armor
- Tropical Arachnos Armguard
- Chk'ich of the Queensguard ~ Arachnos Hero
- Eregon ~ Arachnos Taintbearer
- Ishtil Nintheye
- L'tkitk the Hungry ~ Arachnos Hero
- Prince Ch'kik't the Horrible ~ Tropical Arachnos Hero
- S'zkit'ith, Mother of Horrors ~ Tropical Arachnos Hero
- T'chik, the Doomweaver ~ Arachnos Hero
- Turgox Mancatcher
- Xaktil Etherweb ~ Arachnos Hero
- Z'kar Flamespinner ~ Tropical Arachnos Hero
- All arachnoi (άραχνοι) have an attack animation unique to their kind. Instead of delivering a blow with their weapon, they make a hissing sound with their abdomen and then attack with their front pincers. Despite its unique animation, this attack apparently doesn't have any special effects and inflicts standard damage.
- add/check Sinister variant mentioned here.